Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pomp & Circumstance...and cupcakes, too!!

So tonight is Hannah's graduation from Trinity UMC Pre-School! I can not believe her school year is already over! She is looking forward to kindergarten; it will be here before you know it! For tonight's celebration, I was in charge of the "nut-free" dessert. Hannah picked out the cutest cupcake decorations at the cake store. Too cute!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Remember me

Tonight, while I was giving Hannah a bath, she looked at me and with the sweetest look on her face, asked "Mommy, will you ever forget me?" Quickly and without even thinking, I said, "Hannah, I will never, ever forget you." Then, while washing the shampoo out of her hair, I thought about my grandmother, who has already forgotten her children. I panicked thinking, I had spoken too quickly, maybe I would one day develop Alzheimer's and would forget my children. I can not imagine a worse fate.

Once Hannah was out and getting dressed, I got a phone call from a family friend who is helping out with a fundraiser that is organized by my brother and me to benefit the Alzheimer's Association. I do whatever I can so that I can help those who currently have the disease but equally as important, I raise money that supports ongoing research so that one day the dream of a world without Alzheimer's will be realized. Please do your part and support the Alzheimer's Association so that I can keep my promise to Hannah.

Log onto http://www.alz.org/ to find out what you can do.

Monday, May 11, 2009

"MISSING: Teeth & Training Wheels"

Yesterday was quite an eventful Mother's Day! Hannah lost her first tooth! We had just realized on Saturday that it was even loose. Hannah could not keep her fingers out of her mouth all day! So, her daddy took her into the bathroom and pulled it out! She was very excited about the upcoming visit from the tooth fairy. Sure enough, this morning she discovered $5.00 in the tooth fairy pillow. Wow, inflation!!
Hannah also lost her training wheels on her bike yesterday. Her best friend at Pre-School recently learned how to ride a two-wheeler and Hannah has been dying to learn. We took the kids bikes over to grandma's house where they have plenty of room to ride. The training wheels were removed and the riding lessons began! Thank goodness for my husband because he has such patience for things like that, unlike me!! While Hannah was practicing, Jacob was riding circles around her! She'll keep up with him all to soon!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

What better day than Mother's Day to write another "sweet" post! For Mother's Day, I decided to make a "bonnet" cake for our dessert since it is one of my mom's favorites. It will be a perfect ending to our panini (my wonderful hubby and two fabulous kids, gave me the panini press that I have been admiring for weeks!!) lunch. Happy Mother's Day!